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Energy system transition

Making our energy supplies fully renewable

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Making our energy supplies fully renewable

Our households and businesses rely on energy from centralised sources such as electricity grids, gas pipelines and petrol stations. Traditionally the vast majority of this energy has come from burning non-renewable fossil fuels which emit greenhouse gases and other pollutants into our atmosphere. Renew advocates cleaning up these systems via a transition to renewable energy such as wind turbines and solar panels, supported by energy storage and new transmission lines. We also must become much more efficient in our use of energy.

Challenges are significant because as the switch occurs we must ensure that energy supplies remain reliable and affordable. As governments and industry grapple with this task, Renew delivers them clear messages on behalf of consumers. We call for integrated, long-term planning that fully recognises the impacts of energy systems and enables a realistic, swift transition. Our advocacy work is supported by our research and discussion papers into relevant key issues.

Research, submissions, articles and events relating to the energy transition
Transition delayed – renewable projects facing obstacles

Transition delayed – renewable projects facing obstacles

Due to inadequacies in the electricity market, some wind and solar farms are having grid connections refused, output curtailed and revenue reduced. Investors are understandably hesitant to develop new projects. Read our paper investigating this issue.

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Large-scale solar farms coming online

Large-scale solar farms coming online

Renewable generation in the National Energy Market (NEM) has reached a new record high, according to the latest figures from the National Energy Emissions Audit.

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A tipping point: heavy transport goes electric

A tipping point: heavy transport goes electric

From tip trucks to rubbish trucks to delivery vehicles to buses, all around the world heavy transport is electrifying. Lance Turner surveys the many trials happening right now in Australia and New Zealand.

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The gas industry is lying about their emissions

The gas industry is lying about their emissions

Bruce Robertson, a gas/LNG energy analyst with IEEFA, notes that like Volkswagen, the gas industry is also walking a thin tightrope due to the under-reporting of actual emissions released from both gas and LNG across the supply chain.

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Renew presents to BZE on hydrogen

Renew presents to BZE on hydrogen

View a presentation by Renew's Andrew Reddaway about hydrogen to the environmental think tank Beyond Zero Emissions.

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Aussie rules on batteries tightened

Aussie rules on batteries tightened

A new Australian Standard has been released for solar batteries. This will affect grid-connect batteries, off-grid and DIY solar on sheds.

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Renew gives presentation on the role of hydrogen

Renew gives presentation on the role of hydrogen

View a presentation by Oliver Yates (former CEO of the CEFC) and Renew's Andrew Reddaway

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Integrating Renewable Energy and Grid Transformation

Integrating Renewable Energy and Grid Transformation

Hear about Endeavour Energy's plans to plans for a smarter grid

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Renew provides input on national hydrogen strategy

Renew provides input on national hydrogen strategy

Renew provided a submission to a set of issues papers on hydrogen published by the federal government.

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Renew comments on VIC emissions reduction targets

Renew comments on VIC emissions reduction targets

Renew advocates that Victoria adopt a target for 2030 to reduce emissions by 75% from the 2005 level.

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Renew submits input to the 2019 Integrated System Plan

Renew submits input to the 2019 Integrated System Plan

Renew calls for the energy system operator to model a fully-renewable electricity grid.

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Hydrogen: help or hype?

Hydrogen: help or hype?

As we transition to a low-carbon energy system, which uses of hydrogen are realistic and which are hype? Renew explores.

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EVs everywhere, and not just cars!

EVs everywhere, and not just cars!

The move to electric transport, in all its forms, is now well under way and 2019 is shaping up to be a very exciting year indeed. Bryce Gaton explains.

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Zero-emissions plan launched

Zero-emissions plan launched

The Z-Net Community Transition Plan aims to turn the Hepburn Shire in central Victoria into a model zero-net emissions community.

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Green hydrogen: let’s make it work

Green hydrogen: let’s make it work

There are enormous opportunities in hydrogen, but we must act now to ensure the clean energy potential of green hydrogen is preserved.

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Guaranteeing energy supply in a changing market

Guaranteeing energy supply in a changing market

Come and hear Kerry Schott, Chair of the Energy Security Board

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Solar and high grid voltage

Solar and high grid voltage

There’s been some recent attention in the news linking the boom in solar power with spikes in grid voltage. Renew energy analyst Andrew Reddaway looks at the issue.

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The Future for Wind

The Future for Wind

Come and hear about the current state of wind in Australia

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Guaranteeing energy supply

Guaranteeing energy supply

Watch Dr Kerry Schott AO speaking on Energy Supply in a Changing Market at a recent public meeting of Renew's Melbourne Branch.

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Thoughts on our energy future

Thoughts on our energy future

Two great presentation on a sustainable energy future

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Warming of 1.5 degrees: What we do now matters more than ever

Warming of 1.5 degrees: What we do now matters more than ever

We’re running out of time, and what we do now matters more than ever, was the message delivered by Professor Lesley Hughes when she spoke recently about the IPCC 1.5 report at Renew’s Illawarra branch.

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The fairness of rooftop solar

The fairness of rooftop solar

The Total Environment Centre and Renew have collaborated on a report on the equity implications of rooftop solar.

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High grid voltage and solar

High grid voltage and solar

The solar power boom has been linked to voltage problems in the electricity network. Renew looks at the issue.

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Network companies need to lift

Network companies need to lift

Renew is concerned about the response of electricity network companies to the boom in rooftop solar systems across Australia.

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Climate change and the latest IPCC report.

Climate change and the latest IPCC report.

What does the latest IPCC report mean for our future?

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Electrifying Industry with renewable energy

Electrifying Industry with renewable energy

Learn about replacing fossil fuels in industrial heat processes with renewable electricity.

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Totally Renewable Yackandandah

Totally Renewable Yackandandah

Totally Renewable Yackandandah (TRY) is at the forefront of regional towns making the shift to renewable energy, as Matthew Charles-Jones described at a recent Renew branch meeting in Melbourne.

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All-electric solar homes save thousands over gas: report

All-electric solar homes save thousands over gas: report

New homes that are all-electric and have solar power will save their owners thousands of dollars according to a new report by Renew.

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Drawdown: A plan to reverse global warming

Drawdown: A plan to reverse global warming

Paul Hawken's Drawdown project brings together peer-reviewed science on the “top 100 solutions to climate change”, highlighting the benefits and costs of each. ATA member Tom Hunt met with him recently in Melbourne.

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Q&A: Understanding carbon trading

Q&A: Understanding carbon trading

Understanding carbon trading. Q&A with Alan Pears.

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Pears Report: Risky business?

Pears Report: Risky business?

Transforming our energy system may prove far less risky than propping up traditional over-built electricity supply, suggests Alan Pears.

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100 percent renewable energy by 2030

100 percent renewable energy by 2030

Australia can have an electricity grid entirely run by renewable energy by 2030, according to a new research paper by Renew.

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Right to light: solar access and the law

Right to light: solar access and the law

Australia’s legal regimes don’t explicitly protect solar access for solar panels or passive solar designed buildings. But, as more households fight through the courts for their right to light, there are important precedents being set across the country.

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ATA presents to Senate committee on a warming world

ATA presents to Senate committee on a warming world

ATA presented to Australian senators on several household-focused solutions such as rooftop solar and virtual power plants.

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Community energy steps up: decarbonising at the local level

Community energy steps up: decarbonising at the local level

Community Power Agency reports on the many projects taking off and some of the remaining barriers.

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100 per cent renewable grid possible

100 per cent renewable grid possible

A fully renewable electricity grid would provide long-term economic, climate and social benefits for Australia, according to a discussion paper by Renew.

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Neighbourly sharing: mini-grid in Mooroolbark

Neighbourly sharing: mini-grid in Mooroolbark

Neighbours in the Melbourne suburb of Mooroolbark are set to share their energy generation via a mini-grid in an Australian-first trial run by AusNet Services. Eva Matthews finds out what’s involved.

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Should you quit the grid?

Should you quit the grid?

Andrew Reddaway steps through the multiple ways households are connected to the grid, and explains what’s involved with cutting ties.

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Energy flows: How green is my solar?

Energy flows: How green is my solar?

How long does it take to pay back the energy used in the production of solar + battery systems and how much of an effect do they have on the greenness of the grid? Renew’s Andrew Reddaway investigates.

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Emissions down in move from gas to electric

Emissions down in move from gas to electric

Switching from gas to efficient electric appliances is good for the environment, according to analysis by Renew.

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Towns and estates could unplug from the grid

Towns and estates could unplug from the grid

Regional towns and new housing estates could function viably and economically off the electricity grid, a new report reveals.

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Barriers to solar grid connection

Barriers to solar grid connection

Renew has conducted research into the experiences of our members with household solar power systems and the many barriers they face when negotiating grid connection.

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The viability of domestic wind turbines

The viability of domestic wind turbines

With support from Sustainability Victoria, Renew spent two years researching the viability of small-scale wind turbines in urban areas.

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