When: Thursday 28 February 2019 7:15pm for 7:30pm start
Where: Albion Peace Centre, 102 McDonald Rd, Windsor (underneath the Albion Overpass, near Blackmore St; UBD 140 Ref. C14)  Click here for a map.
Cost: $2, to help cover venue hire costs.


The evening will consist of 2 presentations. The first is prepared by Harold Waring and presented by his friend John Murray. This presentaiton is an overview of energy use in our society – it’s sources, uses, efficiency and areas for improvement.

Secondly, John Murray will cover the area of electric vehicles based on his ebook, “Supercharged Momentum: The century of the electric car”, that he has written for electric car owners re his experiences over the past 4 years (available free on iBooks here). John will touch on the synergies between EV & PV, as well as personal experience to date in owning and operating an EV as his only vehicle. John is very keen to promote a clean energy future and foster educated discourse on the topic. John and Harrold will be available for questions at the end of the evening.


Harold Waring has been an active Member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology for 72 years and is also a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Energy. After graduating with an Honours Degree in Electrical Power Engineering he trained and worked with the British Electricity Authority. In 1955 he emigrated to join the Australian power industry and 34 years later he retired from the positions of Senior Electrical Design and Construction Engineer for Collinsville, Gladstone and Callide ‘8’ power stations. Through his work with the International Energy Research Committee, he has visited and studied some of the world’s largest power schemes and manufacturers. John has had a passion for the efficient and appropriate use of all forms of energy and the promotion of alternative power sources for a very long time. He built his first solar hot water system in 1956, to a CSIRO design, and has never been without solar hot water since. He built a stand-alone self-sufficient retirement home with solar hot water and solar power, composting, sewage disposal and water recycling. His hobbies included model engineering, electric vehicles and sailing. He has spent much of the last 30 years of retirement gathering reputable knowledge about global energy use, the energy in the atmosphere and oceans and the short-sightedness of burning finite fossil fuels.

John Murray is passionate about renewable energy and sustainability. John is trained in science, and is a former school teacher, paramedic and currently a trauma counsellor.

New committee members: The Brisbane Branch of Renew is in need of some more members on the organising team. During the years and through changes in personal circumstances, the branch committee has reduced in size and we need assistance in continuing this important work. If you are a current Renew member and interested in contributing towards the work of the branch please speak to Trevor, Sheryl or Hap on the evening or contact Doug Rolfe, the Renew Branch Coordinator via Renew contact form here.

We hope to see you there for this fascinating pair of presentations.

Trevor Berrill

Renew Brisbane Branch