Biofuel vs battery
John Hermans gives his opinion on the best power source for electric vehicles.
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5B or not 5B
Large scale commercial solar farms can be time consuming to install and commission. Lance Turner looks at a company that has solved those issues.
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EV street charging trial
Rechargeable lithium batteries are critical for our modern world, but they do have a somewhat variable safety history. Lance Turner looks at the issues and what to do about them.
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Australia's premier magazine dedicated to technology for a sustainable future.
Electric vehicles for newbies
In this Renew special feature find everything you want to know about electric vehicles: how they work, why they’re superior to internal combustion engine-driven cars—and, yes, whether you can tow with them.
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Charging forward: an EVSE buyers guide
If you are looking to take the big step of dumping petrol and diesel and switching to an EV, then you will need to be able to charge it. Lance Turner looks at the EVSE options available and which might suit you best.
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The future of EV charging
Are vehicle-to-grid and vehicle-to-home coming soon? And could DC chargers find their way into homes? Bryce Gaton looks at changes that may be just around the corner for electric vehicle charging.
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Going electric: e-bike case studies
A selection of e-bike case studies that accompany our e-bike buyers guide in Renew 151.
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EV charging hits the streets
How do you charge your EV if you don’t have off-street parking? A ‘smart’ light pole and a pop-up charging pillar are options being explored for on-street car charging, explains Bryce Gaton.
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A tipping point: heavy transport goes electric
From tip trucks to rubbish trucks to delivery vehicles to buses, all around the world heavy transport is electrifying. Lance Turner surveys the many trials happening right now in Australia and New Zealand.
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Driving change, at least overseas
In his latest update on the electric vehicle market, Bryce Gaton reports on how quickly things are changing overseas, while Australia still waits for its EV moment.f
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Replacing your fossil miles
Our regular writer Bryce Gaton explains why he’s just bought his first-ever new car, a Hyundai Kona electric vehicle.
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