On the money

On the money

With just $58,000, Rob retrofitted his 1970s Melbourne unit for far greater comfort and energy efficiency, learning a lot along the way.

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The household gas dilemma

The household gas dilemma

As Australia’s electricity grid greens, gas is losing its position as the cleaner and cheaper fuel choice for households. In fact, by installing gas appliances, many people are locking themselves into higher bills and emissions compared to choosing an all-electric home, as Renew’s ongoing research shows.

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Are we aiming for the stars?

Are we aiming for the stars?

Two decades after the introduction of the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme, an analysis looks at how we’re building, the Star ratings we’re achieving and what needs to change to deliver climate resilient homes.

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Airtight design

Airtight design

If you’re planning to build an airtight home, it’s important that you also consider indoor air quality. We ask building scientist Jenny Edwards to tease out the issues around mechanical ventilation with heat recovery – including when it’s needed and when it’s not.

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