Design workshop revisited: Small space success
With some small but important changes to the internal layout based on our expert’s advice, this expanding young Canberra family is getting more out of their diminutive apartment.
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Eco-concrete case studies
Adored for its thermal mass benefits and durability, concrete remains one of the most popular building materials in the world, but its shockingly high embodied carbon footprint cannot be ignored. Luckily, there are now a number of greener alternatives available. Jacinta Cleary examines how they have performed in three different homes.
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Design workshop: Making a small space work harder
Young professional couple Jess and David love their diminutive Canberra apartment and the productive courtyard garden they have established, and would like to make changes to maximise natural light, make the most of the available space, and accommodate a future family. Small space expert Kate Shepherd of Rob Henry Architects is on hand to help.
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Experts explore: Sid Thoo and Dannielle Robertson on carefully targeted retrofits for comfort
Perth-based duo Dannielle Robertson and Sid Thoo describe how energy assessments can help identify the best places to spend your retrofit money.
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Experts explore: Uta Green on using her new studio as a testing ground
Uta Green explains the design process for her practice’s new studio in Hobart, including using iterative energy ratings to optimise the small building’s performance.
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Design workshop: A higher-performing volume build
Kirsten and James are keen to make the project home they’re planning in Camberwell, Victoria, as energy-efficient and comfortable as possible, and have budgeted for some upgrades. Architect Penny Guild and ESD consultant Erika Bartak give the couple some advice on achievable tweaks to improve their home’s performance.
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On the drawing board: Testing out 10 Stars
What does it look like to aim for the top of the Star rating scale, and can it be done without costing an arm and a leg? Builder Craig Riddle set out to design and build a very high-performing house using iterative energy rating assessments, careful construction and standard, readily available materials.
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Volume-built wins: Steps to a more sustainable project home
Many people look to volume builders as an affordable option for their new home – but how do you achieve your sustainability goals with this mass-market product? ESD consultant and housing researcher Erika Bartak explains the easy wins, the pitfalls to avoid, and the important questions to ask.
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Closing the performance gap: Passive House for schools
Australian schools are underperforming in terms of energy efficiency and indoor environment quality. We talk to some architects who believe that the rigorous Passive House standard could help turn that around.
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Climate resilient homes
For the past year, Sanctuary’s publisher Renew has been spearheading a campaign for climate resilient homes, focusing on pushing for much-needed changes to minimum energy standards. Our sustainable housing advocate Anne Martinelli looks at why this is important, what’s been achieved so far and what’s next.
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Are we aiming for the stars?
Two decades after the introduction of the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme, an analysis looks at how we’re building, the Star ratings we’re achieving and what needs to change to deliver climate resilient homes.
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