Shacking up

Shacking up

A compact, versatile and functional home on the New South Wales mid-north coast makes the most of recycled and reclaimed materials to create a cabin-like feel.

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Elegant infill

Elegant infill

Careful orientation, spaces with double functions, and plenty of storage combine to ensure this family home on a subdivided Brisbane block feels larger than it is.

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Building community

Building community

This new co-housing development boasts twelve high-performance hempcrete homes, all over 8.5 Stars, and a host of shared facilities – all without breaking the bank.

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Outside the box

Outside the box

A Melbourne home pushes the boundaries of Passive House design, employing prefab panel construction to help break away from the typical boxy form to capture views and sunlight on a tricky site.

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Paying it forward

Paying it forward

Having learned from the shortcomings of their first home build, the Whittall family engaged TS4 Living to design and build a high-performing sustainable home that would work for them for the long term.

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Testing ground

Testing ground

Joel and Danni Turner, with architect Nikki Mote, experimented with hempcrete for a compact studio to finetune the design and build for their future family house.

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An uplifting prospect

An uplifting prospect

Set in a biodiverse landscape 700m above sea level in Queensland’s Great Dividing Range, this small-footprint home is built to withstand the fire threat and extreme temperature fluctuations.

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