Getting rainwater collection right

Getting rainwater collection right

During the millennium drought many people installed water tanks for the first time. Ten years on, as we face drought again, what more do we know about the best ways to optimise rainwater collection for your site?

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Grass is green

Grass is green

Lawn can get a bad rap – some tear it up for gardens while others replace it with fake grass. But in the world of Diggers Club veteran, Keith Edwards, when it comes to turf there are only pros and no cons.

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Perennial challenge

Perennial challenge

The Aboriginal-owned Merian Munjie Food Company is cultivating indigenous staple crops with the goal of achieving commercial-scale production. However, without sufficient agricultural land the company faces an uphill battle.

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Treat your site right

Treat your site right

If you protect, rather than neglect, your soil and vegetation you’ll reap the rewards in your new garden, writes landscape designer Michael Tanner.

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City cornucopia

City cornucopia

Increasing wellbeing and connection to nature, reducing food miles to food metres, and turning waste streams into resources: it’s increasingly clear that urban agriculture is a vital ingredient for sustainable cities.

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Gardening up high

Gardening up high

We’re learning more all the time about what plants can thrive, and survive, on rooftops. Elke Haege shares the latest research on your best soil and plant options for living roofs.

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