Sanctuary 41 out now

Sanctuary 41 out now

Renovation can be tricky and expensive, but the rewards can be remarkable as demonstrated by the incredible home renovations in the latest Sanctuary.

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Sanctuary 40 out now

Sanctuary 40 out now

There is a lot of interest in shipping containers for houses, but rarely is it done as cleverly and beautifully as in the ship-shape holiday home in southern NSW that features on the cover of Sanctuary 40.

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Earthships land in northern NSW

Earthships land in northern NSW

Earthships - the ‘radically sustainable’ homes designed by American architect Michael Reynolds – are made from recycled materials and use passive solar design. We caught up with Duuvy Jester from northern NSW to chat about building these energy efficient homes.

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Treetop vantage

Treetop vantage

The steep banks of a winter creek and billabong, dotted with massive river red gums and kangaroo wattle, provided the inspiration for a South Australian couple’s new home, but they got more than they bargained for when they approached architect Max Pritchard.

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