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Empowering our project partners and consumers to utilise cost-effective, efficient and environmentally sustainable technology.

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Building the evidence base

Renew’s Policy and Research team undertakes research, policy analysis and advocacy on behalf of consumers in the energy, water and transport markets.

The team also offers project consulting services to a large range of commercial, government and community clients on the economic, technical, regulatory and operational aspects of efficient and environmentally effective technology and consumer behaviour.

The Policy and Research team is dedicated to understanding consumer choices, opportunities and risks in the demand side of energy, water and transport markets.

Our objective is to empower our project partners and consumers at all levels to utilise cost-effective, efficient and environmentally sustainable technology as part of the day-to-day management of their households, businesses and communities.

Latest research from Renew
Transition delayed – renewable projects facing obstacles

Transition delayed – renewable projects facing obstacles

Due to inadequacies in the electricity market, some wind and solar farms are having grid connections refused, output curtailed and revenue reduced. Investors are understandably hesitant to develop new projects. Read our paper investigating this issue.

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Evaluating The Cape

Evaluating The Cape

Research by Renew alongside RMIT looked at the performance of highly efficient homes built in the eco-village at Cape Paterson, Vic pre- and post-occupancy. The research includes interviews with occupants as well as analysis of energy use and home temperatures.

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Enabling More Distributed Energy In Our Electricity Grids

Enabling More Distributed Energy In Our Electricity Grids

Renew has been figuring out how we can integrate more household-owned renewable energy resources into the grid and what we need to do to allow it to happen. We've just published a major technical report and summary paper.

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Aussie rules on batteries tightened

Aussie rules on batteries tightened

A new Australian Standard has been released for solar batteries. This will affect grid-connect batteries, off-grid and DIY solar on sheds.

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EVs: Electricity Bills, Energy Use & Carbon

EVs: Electricity Bills, Energy Use & Carbon

This study seeks to explore the potential impact of electric vehicles on household energy usage, electricity bills, and use of the grid.

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Renew delivers webinar on batteries

Renew delivers webinar on batteries

View a video on batteries in community buildings. Also relevant to households.

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Renew gives presentation on the role of hydrogen

Renew gives presentation on the role of hydrogen

View a presentation by Oliver Yates (former CEO of the CEFC) and Renew's Andrew Reddaway

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Hydrogen: help or hype?

Hydrogen: help or hype?

As we transition to a low-carbon energy system, which uses of hydrogen are realistic and which are hype? Renew explores.

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Energy supply and severe weather

Energy supply and severe weather

Renew is exploring the role of household and local energy systems in creating more resilience in the face of climate change.

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Zero-emissions plan launched

Zero-emissions plan launched

The Z-Net Community Transition Plan aims to turn the Hepburn Shire in central Victoria into a model zero-net emissions community.

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The fairness of rooftop solar

The fairness of rooftop solar

The Total Environment Centre and Renew have collaborated on a report on the equity implications of rooftop solar.

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High grid voltage and solar

High grid voltage and solar

The solar power boom has been linked to voltage problems in the electricity network. Renew looks at the issue.

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All-electric solar homes save thousands over gas: report

All-electric solar homes save thousands over gas: report

New homes that are all-electric and have solar power will save their owners thousands of dollars according to a new report by Renew.

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100 percent renewable energy by 2030

100 percent renewable energy by 2030

Australia can have an electricity grid entirely run by renewable energy by 2030, according to a new research paper by Renew.

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Rooftop DC isolators and solar system fires

Rooftop DC isolators and solar system fires

Renew commissioned students from the Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusetts, USA, to do a study on rooftop solar-related fires in Australia and internationally.

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Bigger solar is better: report

Bigger solar is better: report

When choosing a grid-connected solar system for your home, what size should it be? The Alternative Technology Association (ATA) has traditionally advised people to consider this carefully based on their household’s electricity consumption. Now, however, the ATA recommends a big solar system, even if consumption is low.

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100 per cent renewable grid possible

100 per cent renewable grid possible

A fully renewable electricity grid would provide long-term economic, climate and social benefits for Australia, according to a discussion paper by Renew.

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Grid-connected batteries attractive by 2020

Grid-connected batteries attractive by 2020

A report by Renew says grid-connected battery storage should become economically attractive for many homes from around 2020.

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Are We Still Cooking with Gas?

Are We Still Cooking with Gas?

Many households in Australia would be better off switching from gas to efficient electric appliances according to a major study by Renew.

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Life after Feed-in Tariffs report

Life after Feed-in Tariffs report

Renew has prepared a report on what solar households need to consider when premium feed-in tariffs end in 2016.

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Households support cost-reflective pricing

Households support cost-reflective pricing

Consumers are willing to pay more for peak electricity if off-peak tariffs are lowered, a survey by Renew has revealed.

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Consumers are moving away from gas

Consumers are moving away from gas

Consumers are less likely to choose a gas appliance than they were five to 10 years ago, according to a Renew survey.

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The Value of Higher Efficiency Homes

The Value of Higher Efficiency Homes

The rise of rooftop solar, high efficiency electric technology and low cost thermal efficiency can lead to substantial energy and financial savings for new homes.

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Grid connected batteries economically attractive by 2020: report

Grid connected batteries economically attractive by 2020: report

In the most detailed economic analysis yet produced in Australia on household battery use with solar, a new report by the Alternative Technology Association (ATA) says grid-connected battery storage should become economically attractive for many homes from around 2020.

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WA report on gas-electric appliances

WA report on gas-electric appliances

Should a new home in WA be connected to gas? Under what circumstances should WA households consider switching from gas to efficient electric appliances?

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Emissions down in move from gas to electric

Emissions down in move from gas to electric

Switching from gas to efficient electric appliances is good for the environment, according to analysis by Renew.

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Economics of gas/electric appliances

Economics of gas/electric appliances

Is gas still a cheap energy to use at home? Under what circumstances should you consider switching from gas to efficient electric appliances?

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Economics of water-saving technology

Economics of water-saving technology

Water bills have increased considerably in Victoria. As the price of mains water goes up, there is an incentive for people to install more efficient water technology in their home.

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Towns and estates could unplug from the grid

Towns and estates could unplug from the grid

Regional towns and new housing estates could function viably and economically off the electricity grid, a new report reveals.

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Be vigilant on solar deals: report

Be vigilant on solar deals: report

Many households with rooftop solar may be missing out on the best rates for their solar power, according to a new report commissioned by Renew.

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Economics of stand-alone power systems

Economics of stand-alone power systems

Renew, has done economic modelling on the costs and benefits of installing stand-alone power systems for rural and remote customers on the fringe of the electricity grid.

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The viability of domestic wind turbines

The viability of domestic wind turbines

With support from Sustainability Victoria, Renew spent two years researching the viability of small-scale wind turbines in urban areas.

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Using greywater for domestic irrigation

Using greywater for domestic irrigation

Renew and RMIT have conducted a study on a selected range of bathroom products and their potential impacts on soil chemistry and structure when they are present in bathroom greywater.

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Barriers to solar grid connection

Barriers to solar grid connection

Renew has conducted research into the experiences of our members with household solar power systems and the many barriers they face when negotiating grid connection.

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Solar system owners’ survey

Solar system owners’ survey

Renew conducted a survey of more than 1300 solar system owners across the country, and there were some fascinating findings.

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Renew’s greywater trial

Renew’s greywater trial

Renew carried out a trial of six greywater systems at Melbourne homes to assess the usability and health and safety issues of domestic greywater reuse.

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