Public transport from day one

Public transport from day one

One housing estate that’s aiming to address transport from the get-go is the Ginninderry greenfield development in Canberra. About 13 km from the city centre, this is a whole new community of 11,500 homes to be built over the next 40 years, at a rate of about 300 homes per year.

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Early adopters

Early adopters

Bruce Armstrong and Katherine McCann, based in Nedlands and Brentwood in suburban Perth, have been mostly getting around on electric bikes or in Bruce’s Mitsubishi i-MiEV electric car since 2012.

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Jumping on the (electric) bandwagon

Jumping on the (electric) bandwagon

Electric vehicle case studies: "Every time we filled up our petrol cars, it made me feel uncomfortable to be using fossil fuel, so my wife Janine and I discussed the pros and cons of electric cars and the models available, and in 2014 we decided to buy one." - Malcolm McKelvie

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