On yer bike

On yer bike

They’re ubitiquous overseas, but in Australia, it seems impossible to make a bike-sharing system work. Nic Huntington asks: why?

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The future of EV charging

The future of EV charging

Are vehicle-to-grid and vehicle-to-home coming soon? And could DC chargers find their way into homes? Bryce Gaton looks at changes that may be just around the corner for electric vehicle charging.

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The bike doctors

The bike doctors

After starting small at a local school, Dr Cranky’s is spreading its bike-fixing, community-building initiative around Australia. Peter Foot finds out what’s needed to get kids riding.

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A greener festival

A greener festival

Music festivals are a growing part of Australian culture, but how do we make sure these parties have a positive impact on the planet? Sophie Weiner looks at how to create a more sustainable festival scene.

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