After the election, the hard work

People power for sustainability and renewables will ultimately win.

With the federal election over, many people are wondering ‘where to’ for environmental sustainability in Australia. Whatever party or candidate you voted for, the reality is that we are left with little government direction on climate action or sustainability.

We ought to take comfort that this was the first federal election at which climate change was a significant issue and hundreds of thousands of people voted for action on climate change.

All of us who have been actively working for a sustainable future for years, creating change in our own lives and communities, can find consolation that we helped to create this groundswell.

Renew will continue to inspire, enable and advocate for sustainable homes and communities. We will keep providing the solutions for sustainability, renewables and a green economy until they are thoroughly mainstream and embedded in the life of this country.

And Renew will continue to support everyone at the grassroots who is seeking to create resilient homes and communities through our magazines, Renew and Sanctuary, through events like Sustainable House Day and Speed Date a Sustainability Expert, through our local branches across Australia, through our advice services, research and consultancy.

We hope you can be part of this journey with us. Together we create the future that we want to see.

Make a tax-deductible donation to help us push for a more sustainable future and strong climate action in Australia.