When: Wednesday 31 October 2018, 7:30 pm
Where: Ian Ross building #31, Australian National University, Corner of North Road and Geology Close, Acton ACT 2601. Click here for a campus map (Building #31 at G4 on North Rd) and here for a Google map. 


Come along for a very interesting discussion of what problems exist in the national building control system and what we might all be able to do to improve matters. How can we be more certain that the structure as built is the structure as planned? New building product technologies, such as structural insulating panels for example, can offer significant improvements in the performance, cost and ease of construction for modern housing and building stock.

However, if building regulatory enforcement and product certification are inadequate, it is almost inevitable that poor quality products will make their way into the supply chain and be used as “acceptable” materials. This results in building stock that performs poorly, cheats building owners, and may even pose a serious health and safety risk. While the answer would logically be for jurisdictions to lift their game, it seems as if there is limited political will or even the necessary level of regulatory technical expertise required to fix the problems in a nationally consistent way. Instead of waiting for governments to do something, consumers and building owners can take steps to improve the compliance of products, building designs and construction practices to achieve the sustainable building stock we are all aspiring to.

Speaker: Rodger Hills is the Executive Officer of the Building Products Innovation Council and is committed to improving the quality and performance of building stock in Australia. He has over 35 years experience in the building industry starting with design/specification roles then moving into manufacture of building products, He is now involved in industry advocacy and the development of building regulatory frameworks. Rodger has authored a major report that documents the serious problems that are impoverishing our national building control system.

This is a public meeting; please invite anyone who might be interested.
We hope to see you at this really interesting evening.


Andrew, Secretary, Renew Canberra Branch

Renew Canberra branch webpage