When: Wednesday 27 November 2019, 7:30 pm
Where: Renewables Innovation Hub, Ground Floor, 19-23 Moore Street, Turner, ACT 2612. Click here for a Google map. Please Note: Change of venue for this meeting
Cost: Free public event.
Speaker: Shahana McKenzie (CEO Bioenergy Australia)
Bonus Speaker: Pete Gorton
Presentation: Bioenergy – An expanded role in Australia’s energy system.
(followed by a World Solar Challenge update)
As part of the transition to a decarbonised energy sector, the global bio-economy is expected to grow significantly in the near future.
The International Energy Agency’s (IEA) market analysis and forecast report has identified that, globally, bioenergy was the source of half of all renewable energy used in 2017 and it is forecast to see the biggest growth in renewable consumption over the period 2018 to 2023. Bioenergy – as solid, liquid or gaseous fuels – will account for 30% of the growth in renewable consumption in this period.
Biofuels can play a critical role in the transition to a sustainable transport sector, especially for industries where there are limited options to reduce emissions, such as aviation and marine. In this talk Shahana will give an overview of where bioenergy might fit in to a future energy system, where that energy would come from and what issues need to be addressed in order to make progress.
There will be time for questions and discussion following Shahana’s presentation.
Focusing on the transport theme we then take a road trip from Canberra, via Darwin to Adelaide and back.
Long term member, Pete Gorton, and his wife Wendy, recently drove to Darwin, and followed the 50 competitors in the 2019 World Solar Challenge, to Adelaide. Pete will deliver a short presentation on the 3200 km, 5 day event, illustrated with a number of pics and short video clips, shot en-route.
Bio: Shahana McKenzie is the CEO of Bioenergy Australia. She joined the organisation in August 2017 and is committed to driving growth in the Bioenergy sector and advocating for Bioenergy as a key renewable energy solution for the future.
Pete Gorton has been a member and active contributor to the Australian Solar Energy Society, Renew, the Australian Institute of Energy, the Australia EV Association (AEVA) and the Canberra Branch of AEVA.
This is a free public meeting. Please invite anyone who might be interested.
Other Events:
Canberra Urban & Regional Futures (CURF) Annual Forum: The CURF Annual Forum this year is being held on 15 November 2019 at the University of Canberra starting at 8.30am for 9.00 am and running through to 1.00pm when we will conclude with a light lunch in the foyer. This year our subject is “UN Sustainable Development Goals for the Canberra Region”. More details and the registration page can be found at this link.
Andrew, Secretary, Renew Canberra Branch
We appreciate the assistance of the Renewables Innovation Hub in hosting this event.