Renew 168 out now: Off-grid life, preparing for flooding, energy efficiency for renters, dehumidifier buyers guide, virtual power plants, crunch time on emissions, and much more!

In Renew 168, we look at going off-grid, as well as preparing your home for future floods. Plus, we take a quick look at virtual power plants; examine energy efficiency for renters; look at whether the world really is becoming more sustainable; check out electric watercraft; check out a gas-to-electric home conversion; and learn about making the perfect compost. And much more!

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further reading
Why can’t we have true low-cost housing?

Why can’t we have true low-cost housing?

The cost of housing has risen so rapidly in Australia that many have been priced out of the housing market, with Australia having some of the highest housing costs in the world. But there are some cheaper options we could utilise. Lance Turner investigates.

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Lessons from international and local efforts on energy demand

Lessons from international and local efforts on energy demand

Alan Pears gives us his round-up of the main energy issues this quarter.

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Product profile: Low cost EV charger

Product profile: Low cost EV charger

The price of portable chargers has come down steadily, and the Mini Portable Type 2 EV Charger from EVSE is the cheapest and smallest we’ve seen so far.

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