Not drowning … waving?

Not drowning … waving?

Who amongst us has not stood on a beach, looked out at the crashing surf ... and thought, "Boy, that's a whole lot of free energy"? Unfortunately, though, harnessing the power of the ocean isn't quite as easy as it might seem. Emily Jarvie takes a deep breath and dives into the world of wave energy.

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Electric vehicles for newbies

Electric vehicles for newbies

In this Renew special feature find everything you want to know about electric vehicles: how they work, why they’re superior to internal combustion engine-driven cars—and, yes, whether you can tow with them.

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On yer bike

On yer bike

They’re ubitiquous overseas, but in Australia, it seems impossible to make a bike-sharing system work. Nic Huntington asks: why?

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It’s not a tax

It’s not a tax

Shout it from the rooftops! Renew's Dean Lombard looks beyond the headlines and the hysteria at the details of the proposed new solar rules.

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