ReNew Issue 119

ReNew Issue 119 is out now!

  • Tracking electricity use
  • Cute little ute
  • Spreading the word—blog winner!
  • Underground school days
  • Working hard for the easy life
  • SAPS versus the grid
  • Trials and tribulations of DIY solar
  • Battery-backed grid-interactive inverters
  • There’s good wind in Sunshine
  • Solar trackers in the north
  • Putting solar panels to the test
  • LED lighting buyers guide
  • DIY washing machine connection
  • DIY cargo bike
  • DIY concrete tank repair

Issue Contents:

Tracking electricity use

A smart meter monitoring portal helps householders keep an eye on their electricity use.

Cute little ute

Ralph Hibble has driven more than 3000 kilometres in his electric Citroën since registering it last July.

Spreading the word—blog winner!

Meet ReNew’s Blogging Competition winner, and discover the other top sustainability blogs.

Underground school days

Sitting 4.5 metres below natural ground, this library provides cool, energy efficient shelter for students at Candlebark School.

Working hard for the easy life

Di Bott and family lived in a solar powered shed for seven years while building their rammed earth home.

SAPS versus the grid

The Alternative Technology Association has crunched the numbers on installing stand-alone systems instead of laying grid cables underground.

Trials and tribulations of DIY solar

Martin Chape has made an independent power supply for his lights and home office. Next it will be the whole home as he tries to escape his electricity retailer.

Battery-backed grid-interactive inverters

Got a grid-interactive power system but still want to have power when the mains grid fails? Lance Turner shows you how.

There’s good wind in Sunshine

ATA’s wind energy feasibility study has given new potential to an old landfill site.

Solar trackers in the north

Those in northern climes swear by solar trackers. Find out why.

Putting solar panels to the test

Colin Dedman’s solar panel testing continued over the warmer months. Discover the latest results.

LED lighting buyers guide

There’s been a lot happening on the LED front since we last looked at lighting options. Lance Turner takes a look at what’s available so far.

DIY washing machine connection

Have an energy efficient hot water supply but can’t wash your clothes with it? Here’s a homemade solution from Alan Pears.

DIY cargo bike

Inspired by the abundance of cargo bikes across Europe, Simon Waugh built one at home from salvaged materials.

DIY concrete tank repair

Debbie Hay fixed her concrete tank for many more years of reliable rainwater supply in rural New Zealand.