
Light up a whole school

Donate to our efforts in Timor-Leste

Please donate today to the Future Climate Resilience Project

Give the gift of light to communities in Timor-Leste.

Help shine light onto dark nights in remote communities. Timor-Leste is one of the poorest countries in the region. Only 70% of the population have access to mains electricity and communities in remote areas are not expected to have mains electricity for at least the next 15 years. These communities are often small, dispersed and financially poor.

Since 2003, Renew volunteers and local partners have been installing small, inexpensive solar power systems that provide lighting for off-grid households as well as community centres, orphanages, schools and hospitals in remote rural villages. Local technicians are trained to install, repair, and maintain the solar systems. To date, nearly 200 local technicians have been trained in villages.

The 2018 Gift of Light campaign has enabled us to embark on repairs and new installations on 12 community buildings (2 health clinics, 2 community buildings, 8 educational buildings).

With $3,000, we’ll have enough supplies and labour to light up another entire school.

All donations over $2 to the Renew’s Renewable Energy Development Fund are tax deductible. Thank you for your generous support.

You can download a printable card to present as a gift or a digital version to send to someone via email. The digital version is available here, and the printable version here. Feel free to download these cards now, before entering your billing information, or you can download them after making your donation.