When: Monday 5 August 2019, 6:15pm Annual Meeting, Guest speaker at 7.30 pm
Where: Function Room (upstairs), The Duke of Welllington Hotel, 192 Macquarie Street, Hobart
Cost: Gold coin donation

Annual meeting at 6:15pm: Nominations for convenor, secretary, treasurer and the general committee are welcome.


Our guest speaker will be Kurt Jensen from AKS SPEL, who will be discussing stormwater management systems for small to large developments. These are essentially filtration systems that treat stormwater (SW) collected from hardstand & roof areas.

The current Planning Scheme requires that developers manage SW runoff from hardstands including carparks & driveways, roofs etc. for areas of 600sq.m or larger eg. a multi-residential development.

AKS develops entire stormwater management systems using computer modelling including supplying the system components and providing the reports necessary for approval by authorities. They manage products such as StormSack which are filtration systems to treat SW at source, Floating Wetlands for wastewater treatment plants, Rainceptor inline filtration and SPEL Basin modular bio-retention systems.

We hope to see you at the meeting. All welcome.


Renew Tas South branch

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