When: Monday 2 March 2020, 6:15pm General meeting, Guest speaker at 7.30 pm
Where: Function Room (upstairs), The Duke of Welllington Hotel, 192 Macquarie Street, Hobart
Cost: Gold coin donation
Presentation: Dr Detlev Geard, Architect and Paul Kleywegt, builder and building thermal performance assessor.
Achieving air tight or leak free building structure and eliminating thermal bridging of the building fabric is imperative to achieving a successful thermal comfortable building. If there are gaps in the building structure then uncontrolled amount of external air (hot or cold) can infiltrate the building. A thermal bridge in the building structure increases infiltration losses and may cause surface condensation or interstitial condensation in the building structure. This presentation shows of how we can design air tight buildings, and how we can eliminate thermal bridging within the building structure. In addition, a case study will be presented how a high degree of air tightness and the control of thermal bridging has been achieved at the recently completed Passive House at South Hobart.
Speakers: Detlev Geard has been an architect practising in Hobart since 1986, specializing in solar architecture and the German passive house specification. He is also involved in the analysis of thermal performance of constructed houses, firstly providing thermal simulations and comparing thermal simulation with actual measured data, mostly temperatures and humidity. In 2011 he completed a PhD in Architecture comparing simulated data with measured data of 3 houses in Kingston, Tasmania for the period of 3 years. He is also involved in research projects on thermal performance of buildings for the University of Tasmania, School of Architecture in Launceston and lectures part time for the first and third year students.
Paul Kleywegt has been a registered builder for many years with special interest in constructing energy efficient homes. He is also a registered energy assessor with ABSA. He recently completed constructing his own home with has been built to the German Passive House standards. His expert advice achieving a very low air change rate and associated with exceptional construction details will be demonstrated at the presentation, using his house at the case study.
We hope to see you at the meeting. All welcome.
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