When: Saturday 18 May 2019, 1:30-3:00pm (11:00am for Branch planning meeting)
Where: NWDS Secret Garden, Clydesdale Lane, Western Sydney University, Hawkesbury Campus, Richmond NSW
Cost: Gold coin donation to the Secret Garden on entry. Afternoon tea will be provided.

Bookings essential: RSVP to  stardust42au (AT) yahoo.com.au by Thursday 16 May or via our contact page here.

Note: Renew members are invited to a Renew committee meeting, 11:00am-12:15pm at the Secret Garden.

Garden and site tour: Administered by the North West Disability Services, the Secret Garden features extensive gardens and earth buildings. Located in Clydesdale Lane, the Garden comprises pole frame construction, ‘fantasy’ buildings, energy efficient earth buildings, recycled building materials, and extensive water efficient community gardens.

Join Ray Trappel, an architect with extensive knowledge, experience and expertise in earth building, and Eric Brocken (gardens, permaculture) on a tour of the site.

The plant nursery will also be open.

Other Events: Come and see the Renew Sydney West Renew members at the Hawkesbury Show, 11-12 May.

We hope to see you there.

Renew Sydney West Branch – Jenny Dibley, Convenor
Visit our webpage to contact us.