When: Monday 11th May 2020, 6:30-7:30pm AEST (Sydney time). You’ll be able to ‘check in’ from 6:20pm.
Where: Online webinar using ‘Zoom’ (relocated due to COVID-19). If you haven’t used Zoom before use this link to test your setup. You will need to get a ticket using the link below.


  • You will receive the necessary web link for the webinar from the ticketing system.
  • We have a capacity of 500 people.
  • We have incurred some additional costs in hosting the webinars, but aren’t looking for the webinars to be a profit-making exercise. You will see a large number of free tickets available and a smaller number of paid tickets should you wish to help us to meet the webinar costs.
  • We recognise that this is a pressing time for many financially (including Renew). If you are able and would like to support the work of Renew generally you can do so here: renew.org.au/donate or via the additional donation option when choosing your ticket.
  • Click HERE to get a ticket for the webinar.

In this in-between time, the climate emergency has not gone away. Arundhati Roy has beautifully captured the sense of this time; “Historically, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew. This one is no different. It is a portal, a gateway between one world and the next.

In the midst of what has seemed unthinkable previously, the Covid-19 pandemic has shown how quickly we can both adapt and change. The imperative of holistic action in the Drawdown book and project is a breath of fresh air.

Presentation: The Drawdown book and project has been described as “the most comprehensive plan ever proposed to reverse global warming. The term Drawdown describes the point where greenhouse gases in the atmosphere peak and come down.

Paul Hawken organised a team to map, model and measure the most substantive solutions which could make that happen. The project is grounded in reality as “Eighty of the solutions analyzed are in place, well understood and are scaling. What our 70-person global research team did was measure the impact the solutions would have if they continued to scale in a rigorous but reasonable way, and what the cost and profits would be.”

Our presenter, Tom Hunt will focus on the top 21 solutions of this groundbreaking analysis. After meeting Hawken in 2018 he has been energised to share the Drawdown vision. His insight will motivate and allow you to better understand your actions in ensuring a climate-safe future.

Speaker: Tom Hunt is the founder, former Convenor and current Secretary of the Illawarra Branch of Renew. He has been a key player in the Wollongong Climate Action Network and is currently the National Media Coordinator of the Citizens Climate Lobby Australia. Tom recently retired as a Strategic Projects Manager at the University of Wollongong, where he enabled major shifts towards sustainable transport. Genuinely committed to a sustainable future, Tom has used his project management skills and knowledge of sustainability to redesign his home and driving requirements to become carbon negative.

Renew is an independent organisation that does not endorse products and seeks to provide members and the general public with information so that they can make well-informed, sustainable decisions.

You can view the video of this presentation here.

Renew Sydney Central Branch – Co-convenor

Graham Hunt

Visit the Renew website or Renew Sydney Central on Youtube to see previous presentations.