When: Thursday 5th September 2019, Doors open 6.30 pm. Presentations start 7:00 pm.
Where: Function Room, Home Base, 55 Salvado Road, Subiaco WA 6008. Click here for a Google map of the venue.
Cost: Renew members $5, General Public $10. Tea, coffee, water and light refreshments will be provided.
Register: Click here to get your tickets.

Perth Renew Branch present WA’s Sustainable House Showcase

With Sustainable House Day on the horizon, we welcome you to join us for an inspiring night of short presentations featuring 10 houses that are leading the charge in Sustainable design, features and construction methods. Come and see what’s in store for Sustainable house day 2019 and get a first hand opportunity to see just how many options are available to build environmentally compassionate dwellings.

We still have a few places for presenting homes on the night. If you have registered your home for Sustainable House Day and would like to present, then please have a read through the details here and contact us.

Renew Perth Branch committee.

Proudly supported by Home Base Perth.