When: Wednesday 26 June 2019, 7:30 pm
Where: Ian Ross building #31, Australian National University, Corner of North Road and Geology Close, Acton ACT 2601. Click here for a campus map (Building #31 at G4 on North Rd) and here for a Google map.
In this month’s meeting there will be two presentations on the sustainable subject of reducing waste.
Have Your Say on Single Use Plastics (Katherine Harrington)
To start the proceedings Katherine Harrington of ACT NoWaste will give a short presentation on the current ACT Government discussion paper on “phasing out single-use plastics”. This paper is currently open for public discussion so it is important that members of the public become familiar with what is being proposed and provide feedback.
How to Halve Your Household Waste (Mia Swainson)
The main presentation by Mia Swainson on How to halve your household waste will provide some answers to the question of how to reduce, by a factor of two, your household waste. This will be a condensed version of her in-depth workshop that is designed to give practical guidance for reducing, reusing and recycling in your household.
Writer, consultant and advocate, Mia Swainson inspires people at the grass roots to start their own sustainable living journey. Trained as an Environmental Engineer, Mia has worked in sustainable development with the Australian Government and community sector for more than 15 years. Mia is President of the Canberra Environment Centre, founding Chair of Canberra’s Zero Waste Revolution and a regular contributor to HerCanberra.
Katherine Harrington is the Director of Community and Industry Engagement for ACT NoWaste in the ACT Government. She manages stakeholder engagement, communications and media for the delivery of high priority ACT NoWaste projects.
This is a public meeting; please invite anyone who might be interested.
You can download a copy of Katherine’s presentation here and Mia’s presentation here.
Andrew, Secretary, Renew Canberra Branch