When: Wednesday 28 November 2018, 7:30 pm
Where: Ian Ross building #31, Australian National University, Corner of North Road and Geology Close, Acton ACT 2601. Click here for a campus map (Building #31 at G4 on North Rd) and here for a Google map. 

Theme: Latest sustainability news

Latest in EVs: Peter Gorton has recently returned from the Australian Electric Vehicle Association expo in Brisbane. Highlights included the display of the new Hyundai Ioniq EV, discussion of new electric passenger planes and important announcements concerning standardisation of charging plugs on EV. Pete will give a critical rundown of what was noteworthy at the expo.

Upgraded windows ratings scheme: As most people are aware there is an energy rating system in place for windows (WERS). However there wasn’t a system that would help you decide which honeycomb blind, for example, would perform better. Peter Lyons will bring us up to date on the new energy rating scheme for window coverings.
The WincovER scheme has been implemented in Australia with equivalent rating systems being established in the US and EU countries.

Guest Speakers: Peter Gorton and Peter Lyons

Peter Gorton has been a member and active contributor to the Australian Solar Energy Society, Renew, the Australian Institute of Energy, the Australia EV Association (AEVA) and the Canberra Branch of AEVA.

Peter Lyons is a building physicist based in Canberra who specialises in the modelling of all types of fenestration systems and of whole buildings, both residential and commercial. He is the convenor of the Canberra Branch of Renew.

This is a public meeting; please invite anyone who might be interested.
We hope to see you at this really interesting evening.


Andrew, Secretary, Renew Canberra Branch

Renew Canberra branch webpage