When: Wednesday 22nd April 2020, 7:00 pm AEST (Canberra time). You’ll be able to ‘check in’ from 6:50pm.
Where: Online webinar using ‘Zoom’ (relocated due to COVID-19). If you haven’t used Zoom before use this link to test your setup. You will need to get a ticket using the link below.


  • You will receive the necessary web link for the webinar from the ticketing system.
  • We have a capacity of 500 people.
  • We have incurred some additional costs in hosting the webinars, but aren’t looking for the webinars to be a profit-making exercise. You will see a large number of free tickets available and a smaller number of paid tickets should you wish to help us to meet the webinar costs.
  • We recognise that this is a pressing time for many financially (including Renew). If you are able and would like to support the work of Renew generally you can do so here: renew.org.au/donate or via the additional donation option when choosing your ticket.
  • Click HERE to get a ticket for the webinar.

The team at Zero Emissions Byron (ZEB) and the Renew Canberra Branch welcome you to an important presentation from Professor Will Steffen.

Presentation: Much has changed in the last two years in the climate change challenge. Led by Swedish teenage Greta Thunberg, students have taken to the streets around the world to demand a better future. Here in Australia severe drought and massive bushfires put climate change on the front pages over the summer. Behind the scenes, Earth System scientists have made important progress in understanding the potential for tipping points to rapidly take us into planetary terra incognita. Their work has provided the basis for a scientifically based, quantitative definition of a climate emergency. Time for effective action is rapidly running out, as the scientific evidence mounts that the ‘the more we learn about climate change, the riskier it looks’. The COVID-19 crisis may have put climate change on the backburner for now, but the new world coming out of this crisis may trigger a social tipping point that opens up space for effective action on climate change, hopefully just in time.

Speaker: Will Steffen is an Earth System scientist. He is a Councillor on the publicly-funded Climate Council of Australia that delivers independent expert information about climate change. He is also an Emeritus Professor at the Australian National University (ANU); Canberra, a Senior Fellow at the Stockholm Resilience Centre, Sweden; and a member of the Anthropocene Working Group. From 1998 to mid-2004, Steffen was Executive Director of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme, based in Stockholm. His research interests span a broad range within Earth System science, with an emphasis on sustainability and climate change.

You can download the slides from Will’s presentation here.

Peter Lyons, Convenor

Renew Canberra Branch