When: Thursday 24 October 2019, 7:15pm for 7:30pm start
Where: Albion Peace Centre, 102 McDonald Rd, Windsor (underneath the Albion Overpass, near Blackmore St; UBD 140 Ref. C14) Click here for a map.
Cost: A small donation is appreciated to help cover venue hire costs. Renew members $2, non-members $4.
Presentation: In the residential building energy efficiency space there are two related streams: the Proposal for Existing Homes in the COAG project on Trajectory for Low Energy Buildings and the proposal for Net Zero Regulated Energy (NZRE) for new buildings. This talk will discuss the development and consultation process for these proposals, what may change from the current situation, and how these proposals could be delivered.
Speaker: Dr Clyde Anderson graduated in 1989 from the University of Queensland with a PhD in heat transfer and supersonics from the UQ School of Mechanical Engineering. He is a Registered Professional Engineer in the state of Queensland who has over 20 years of experience in Building Energy Efficiency. He has also recently completed the new Certificate IV in NatHERS Assessment, is a Certificate IV TAE Trainer and Assessor, as well as an ABSA Accredited Assessor. In 1999, Clyde started his current Energy Efficiency Consultancy, Anderson Energy Efficiency, when the Brisbane City Council started to allow Star Ratings for houses as an alternative Building Solution, which was subsequently adopted by the Building Code of Australia. As the Code increased the scope for Energy Efficiency so did his business, which now employs four Professional Engineers along with a small support staff who are dedicated to Advancing Sustainable Buildings across Australia. In addition to residential Energy Efficiency Assessments, his consulting services include Commercial building DtS and Verification Method JV3 assessments. Last year, Clyde and his team consulted on projects that had a cumulative construction value of over $1 billion. As a result of his extensive experience in the field, Clyde is an adviser to many building professionals and industry bodies, and currently serves as one of the Board of Directors on the Australian Building Sustainability Associations Board.
We hope to see you there.
Trevor Berrill