Renew is Australia’s leading environmental not-for-profit working to inspire, enable and advocate for people to live sustainably in their homes and communities. We have provided independent information and advice for 40 years.

To continue our work and make sustainable living accessible for all Australians, we rely on the support of our members, partners, and generous donors like you. With your support we can continue to provide practical action on climate change, free from commercial influence through programs like:

  • Climate Resilient Homes, a campaign to improve the standards of home energy efficiency across Australia to help create safer, cheaper, healthier and more liveable homes
  • Sustainable House Day, a day of open homes across the nation showcasing technologies and techniques for sustainability across a variety of homes, free from sales pressure
  • Speed Date a Sustainability Expert events, where “daters” can have quick one-on-one sessions with a variety of experts for free
  • Vital, independent and practical information, including high-quality publications, online resources and tools providing the information that households and communities need to act.
  • Cutting-edge research and economic modelling into existing and emerging sustainable technologies, including up-to-date analysis on costs, trends and impediments.
  • Advocacy in government and industry arenas for policies that make sustainable living and housing affordable and accessible.


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All donations over $2 to Renew are fully tax-deductible and a receipt will be provided. Thank you for your generous support.