Protect Victorian households in the energy transition
Victoria’s energy system is undergoing a historic transition from fossil fuels to renewables. It is critical that consumer protections for Victorian households keep pace.
Renew’s submission to the Victorian Gas Distribution System Code of Practice review calls for stronger rights for households getting off gas.
The Code of Practice must be consistent with the broader objective of decarbonising Victoria’s energy system in a just and coordinated transition that protects households and communities. No element of the Code of Practice should increase the cost, time, or fairness of the energy transition.
Furthermore, households and consumers must be empowered and afforded full consumer protections in the context of the broader energy transition, including clear and full information on rights and obligations.
Renew’s specific recommendations within the scope of the review are:
- consider the cost of future disconnections when connecting new properties
- consider lifetime costs of carbon emissions from gas usage when connecting new customers
- require clear consumer information on disconnection costs
Read Renew’s full submission here.