A Housing Strategy for NSW

Communities in NSW that have experienced bushfires and heatwaves know all too well that we need to face up to the threat of climate change.

Part of our response to climate change lies in the way we build and use our homes.

Too many homes are not fit for purpose: dangerously hot in summer, damp in winter, and costing too much to run due to poor energy efficiency.

The NSW government is developing a housing strategy to prepare for the state’s housing needs in the decades to come.

Renew has called on the government to bring NSW homes up to scratch in the face of the climate crisis by:

  • setting energy standards for rental homes
  • investing in energy upgrades for low income households
  • improving energy ratings and consumer information
  • increasing energy standards for new homes
  • build back better and more resilient after the devastating bushfires

You can read Renew’s full submission here.