When: Wednesday 27 March 2019, 7:30 pm
Where: Ian Ross building #31, Australian National University, Corner of North Road and Geology Close, Acton ACT 2601. Click here for a campus map (Building #31 at G4 on North Rd) and here for a Google map. 

Presentation: Actsmart’s Ren Webb will explain how he has transformed his 1970s Canberra home. For under $4000 he has dramatically improved its thermal performance, taking the Energy Efficiency Rating from 2 stars up to 6.9 stars. With the addition of a solar system he now generates around five times more energy than used by his family.

This session will be a whirlwind guide on how to:

  • improve your home’s thermal performance
  • upgrade to high efficiency electric appliances
  • get off gas, and
  • switch to solar

Speaker: Ren Webb is a technical officer with the ACT Government’s Actsmart Sustainable Home Advice. He provides free advice to the Canberra community, and delivers public workshop’s on a range of home sustainability topics. He previously worked for Actsmart’s low-income home energy program, conducting over 800 home energy assessments over the past three years.

You can download a copy of Ren’s presentation here.


Andrew, Secretary, Renew Canberra Branch

Renew Canberra branch webpage