Renew 162 out now: low cost home retrofits, naturestrip gardens, food preservation, offshore wind in Australia, an unbuyers guide, hydrogen power and more!

In Renew 162, we present a solar for apartments guide, which explains what you need to know and how you can benefit from solar panels even if you live in an apartment building. We also chat with inventor Saul Griffith about his mission to decarbonise the economy and electrify everything.

Rob McLeod examines whether, with increasing gas and electricity tariffs, all-electric homes are still more cost effective than those with gas, Dick Clarke tells the story of building his self-sufficient, leave-no-trace motorhome, drawing on renewable materials and energy, Tom Hawking looks into four projects that take very different approaches to trying to undo a burgeoning environmental catastrophe, Jane Hone learns about the tools and processes involved in regenerative agriculture, we look at an off-grid EV charging station that reuses old solar panels, Ella Noah Bancroft looks to Indigenous cultures for a wider perspective on living and relating sustainably. We also take a look at a local Aussie organisation with a more hands-on approach to e-waste, while Bryce Gaton dispells some EV myths.

Renew 162 is on sale now and available to purchase in newsagents. Or, you can always subscribe, and guarantee you’ll get every issue delivered to your door.

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further reading
Community energy sharing challenges and solutions

Community energy sharing challenges and solutions

Oliver Crowder from Saltwater Solar reports on a remote community solar system he helped set up more than 10 years ago.

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Fossil fuels, efficiency and TVs

Fossil fuels, efficiency and TVs

Alan Pears brings us the latest news and analysis from the energy sector.

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Ditching the shower fan

Ditching the shower fan

By fitting a lid on the shower, exhaust fans are not needed when showering. John Rogers describes this simple retrofit, using both a commercial product and a great looking DIY version.

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