When: Wednesday 25 September 2019, 7:30 pm
Where: Ian Ross building #31, Australian National University, Corner of North Road and Geology Close, Acton ACT 2601. Click here for a campus map (Building #31 at G4 on North Rd) and here for a Google map.
Cost: Free public event.

Guest Speaker: Jacob Debono is in his final year of a degree in mechanical engineering at the ANU. He has been a member of the solar car team at the ANU since it was formed five years ago.

Presentation: In one month, the MTAA Super Sol Invictus team from the ANU will join one hundred other teams at the start of the 3000km Darwin to Adelaide World Solar Challenge. By then the team of students from the ANU will have solved problems in project management, financing, outreach, battery module construction, electronics, mechanical engineering and sleep deprivation to get their solar-powered electric vehicle to the starting line. In this presentation, Jacob will give an overview of what the race entails and cover some of the engineering that goes into producing a competitive vehicle.

There is a big overlap between this work and what goes on into an electric vehicle that you might consider buying today. Battery design and management, regenerative braking, energy consumption and aerodynamics all play a part in making up a good family EV. It’s also worth considering whether you could benefit from using a solar PV for some of your car’s energy.

This is a public meeting; please invite anyone who might be interested. We hope to see you at this really interesting evening.


Andrew, Secretary, Renew Canberra Branch
Renew Canberra Branch