The Alternative Technology Assocation (ATA) became Renew Australia in 2018. Renew Australia is Australia's leading independent organisation promoting sustainable solutions for households. Renew Australia provides independent, practical advice on how to make homes cheaper to run, more comfortable to live in and environmentally friendly.

A not-for-profit organisation, Renew Australia has more than 5000 members across Australia walking the talk in their own homes. Renew Australia also conducts research on sustainable technologies and practices and advocates to government to make it easier for other Australians to live sustainably.

Renew Australia's knowledge is based on our members' practical experience. Our two magazines ReNew: technology for a sustainable future and Sanctuary: modern green homes have a combined readership of over 150,000 and provide practical, technically sound advice.

The Tankulator was built by Renew Australia staff as a tool for householders who are either seeking to install a rainwater system in their homes or improve on their current rainwater system. We have come across many tanks which are left full of water in backyards, going unused. An efficient tank is one which cycles water regularly and provides an important, independent source of water for householders and businesses. Our hope is that users of the Tankulator will feel they are in a greater position to get the best from their rainwater system.


We would like to acknowledge the help of our partners in providing this service including:

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  • Free online library has thousands of articles on sustainable living from ReNew and Sanctuary magazines.
  • Invitations to participate in your local branch activities. An opportunity to network and exchange information with like-minded people.
  • Quarterly digital issues of ReNew and/or Sanctuary magazine.
  • Updates on the Renew Australia’s local, national and international projects.

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