Goodbye to Bass Strait gas
After 55 years, Bass Strait gas output is running down. Are you ready, asks Tim Forcey?
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Hydrogen: help or hype?
Australia’s government is currently developing a strategy for including hydrogen in a future low-carbon energy system. Renew’s energy projects team has looked at where it has potential, and where it doesn’t.
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Load shedding: coming to your area soon?
Why do grid outages occur, how are they managed and how is rooftop solar changing this? Renew's Andrew Reddaway looks at the issue of load shedding.
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Solar and high grid voltage
There’s been some recent attention in the news linking the boom in solar power with spikes in grid voltage. Renew energy analyst Andrew Reddaway looks at the issue.
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Community energy steps up: decarbonising at the local level
Community Power Agency reports on the many projects taking off and some of the remaining barriers.
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100% renewable grid: just how feasible is it?
With ongoing discussion by government and media about the effect of renewables on the grid, Renew’s Andrew Reddaway and Damien Moyse consider the feasibility of 100% renewables for Australia.
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Changing the world: Disruptive innovations
With the need for action on climate change getting ever more urgent, Samuel Alexander considers just how far community action can go to help build a more sustainable future.
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