The farmer next door
On a standard surburban block in Melbourne, Simeon Hanscamp is growing enough food to provide his local community with vegie boxes—and himself with an income. Anna Cumming visited him to find out what it takes to be a successful backyard farmer.
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Put your stormwater to use
Even dense inner-city housing can easily hold back most of its stormwater runoff—saving water, cooling cities, reducing flooding problems and protecting rivers. Chris Walsh’s inner-Melbourne house shows how.
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Josh’s house and garden
Behind 10 Star Josh’s House is a productive, water smart and shade-giving garden—and you can find the plans online, writes Jacinta Cleary.
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Drop by drop: measuring it out
Robyn Deed talks to Gardening Australia’s Sophie Thomson about her measured approach to watering in Adelaide’s challenging dry climate.
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Greywater system buyers guide
Although many regions no longer have water restrictions, water is still a very precious resource in a country as dry as Australia. Greywater systems let you use water at least twice, which makes good environmental sense. Here, we look at what systems are available.
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