When: Thursday 2 – Saturday 4 May 2019, 8:00am – 5:00pm each day
Where: 415 Oaks Road, Carrick, Tasmania 7291
The Renew Tassie North branch will again be running a 3-day Renew stall at AGFEST. We will be sharing our site with the Tasmanian branch of the Australian Electric Vehicle Association (AEVA). It will be a fascinating and educational site with electric cars, hands on solar activities for kids etc and a full Renew stall of magazines and books.
Last year there were more than 65,000 patrons and 700 exhibitors. So this is a huge undertaking and extra volunteers would be most welcome. If you’re already planning to attend AGFEST then please contact Sean to organise helping out on the Renew stand for an hour or two.
Sean Manners
Renew Tassie North branch convenor
You can email us from the contact form on our website here.