When: Wednesday 30 October 2019, 7:30 pm
Where: Renewables Innovation Hub, Ground Floor, 19-23 Moore Street, Turner, ACT 2612. Click here for a Google map. Please Note: Change of venue for this meeting
Cost: Free public event.
Speakers: Jeff Knowles and David Alexander
Jeff Knowles is a teacher of philosophy and an early adopter of PV and battery technology. He has been convener of the Canberra Branch of Renew and is still an active member of the local committee.
Dr David Alexander is the Manager of the Zero Emissions Vehicles team in the ACT Government.
Presentation: Will your next car be an electric vehicle? The latest in zero emissions transport: Europe to the ACT.
One of the most important themes at the recent Frankfurt motor show was the rise of production-ready electric and hybrid vehicles. Porsche, VW, BMW, Daimler, Honda, and Vauxhall launched all-electric cars that will be available for purchase (in Europe at least) in the next 12 months. Jeff was in Frankfurt to see these vehicles and talk to people about the changes that are occurring in the motor vehicle industry and market in Europe. Will Norway, with 50% of car sales being EVs, become the standard for the rest of Europe? Which of these cars are likely to make it to the Australian market?
Jeff will contrast what he learned in Frankfurt with the latest Australian perspective on EV issues gathered at the All-Energy conference in Melbourne. David will then give us an update on what the ACT government is doing to support the transition to a zero emissions future. What more should be done to encourage the uptake of electric vehicles in Canberra and what needs to be done to encourage the switch to zero emissions fleet vehicles and the installation of infrastructure in the surrounding region?
The presentations will be followed by a Q&A session so bring along your questions about zero emissions transport.
This is a free public meeting: please invite anyone who might be interested.
Andrew, Secretary, Renew Canberra Branch
We appreciate the assistance of the Renewables Innovation Hub in hosting this event.