When: Thursday 28 March 2019, 7:15pm for 7:30pm start
Where: Albion Peace Centre, 102 McDonald Rd, Windsor (underneath the Albion Overpass, near Blackmore St; UBD 140 Ref. C14) Click here for a map.
Cost: $2, to help cover venue hire costs.
Presentation: Daily, we are bombarded with news items decrying the aging of our population. Yet this should be a welcome development, as the culmination of modern progress to ensure that most people born lead long and healthy lives. Instead, it is treated as a calamity which must be redressed by aggressive increases in population growth, through either births or immigration. The claimed problems of ageing (including a shrinking workforce, a ballooning pension bill, and skyrocketing health and aged care needs) are poorly supported in evidence, and the cure is much worse than the disease. This talk will unpack some of the myths and truths about demographic ageing and discuss the benefits of declining populations containing more older people.
Speaker: Dr. Jane O’Sullivan is a former senior researcher at the University of Queensland’s School of Agriculture and Food Sciences, where she led research programs on agricultural intensification of subsistence crops in the Pacific and South East Asia. She subsequently turned attention to the demographic pressures on food security, economic development and environmental sustainability. She has published ground-breaking work on the economic impacts of population growth, population ageing and the use of population projections in relation to projecting climate change. She is an executive member of Sustainable Population Australia and has represented that organisation at United Nations climate change meetings.
New committee members: The Brisbane Branch of Renew is in need of some more members on the organising team. During the years and through changes in personal circumstances, the branch committee has reduced in size and we need assistance in continuing this important work. If you are a current Renew member and interested in contributing towards the work of the branch please speak to Trevor, Sheryl or Hap on the evening or contact Doug Rolfe, the Renew Branch Coordinator via Renew contact form here.
We hope to see you there.
Trevor Berrill