When products and materials reach their end of use, or end of life, many are considered waste – however they are actually a resource with a value in the circular economy. Here in WA, there is a Waste Strategy, 3-bin system, and the Waste hierarchy: where recycling is the fourth tier down (of six tiers) after avoiding, reusing and reprocessing. Just a few of the hoops to jump through as we try to live a more ecologically sustainable life and reduce our impact on the planet. Taking a holistic approach and considering waste as a valuable resource instead of something to dispose of is a good start.
Come to this topical and informative event where the speakers who work widely across the `waste’ space will demonstrate how to evaluate consumption, create less waste and navigate plastics, FOGO and other valuable waste-related resources.
Topic #1 by Wafa Lama: The dilemma of waste and its contribution to climate change – sustainability, and the different layers and issues
Topic #2 by Shani Graham: Let’s re-think the concept of waste – what’s going on in our suburbs*?
*Howard Kuntser calls them the “greatest misallocation of resources in the history of the world”, whereas David Holmgren suggests they are “the sweet spot ripe for retrofitting”. If we change our thinking to see waste as a resource what potential do the suburbs have?
Michael Norriss is facilitating the event and will be on the panel discussion after speakers have covered off on their topics.
This event will take place at Home Base, 55 Salvado Road, Subiaco WA 6008. Registration is required.
Michael Norriss
Michael is a sustainable built environment facilitator and waste educator with experience working with industry to reduce and reprocess construction and demolition waste, and recently around household waste, including plastics, glass and FOGO.
Wafa Lama, CEO & Founder, The Sustainable Community Club (SCC)
Back in Libya/North Africa about 15 years ago, Wafa was laughed at when she refused to throw garbage out of her car when everyone was doing it. Living in harmony with nature and sustaining our planet for her daughter and all the future generations has been a rising concern for her, so last year she launched The Sustainable Community Club (SCC).
Wafa wants to be able to contribute to the positive future of our planet and humankind. “If I can help change the behaviour of one person and one business, I will be happy – however, I will never stop there and I’ll keep fighting for the fundamental rights of our kids”. Working in project management and the supply chain for the past 20 years has allowed her to look at climate change from a different perspective, and to keep searching for different solutions to tackle the complicated layers of the issues that contribute to climate change.
Shani Graham, Director, Ecoburbia
Shani Graham and her partner Tim are from Ecoburbia, a business aimed creating more sustainable and resilient communities. Their work ranges from presenting workshops on good solar house design at local councils, to inspiring corporate executives to introduce a worm farm to the office kitchen. They are aware that developing community is essential to this work, and so make sure there is lots of interaction, fun and play in whatever they are doing.
Shani and Tim’s business Ecoburbia won a Fremantle Chamber of Commerce award in 2011, and a West Australian Best Small Business Environmental award the same year. Shani was the Fremantle Citizen of the Year in 2011 and the next year they were honoured to win the Australia wide Banksia Award for Excellence in Small Business. Discovering that awards made very little difference to her life, Shani stopped applying for them and is content milking goats, talking to her neighbours and tending to her garden.